About Us

Meet Benjamin Wunsch

Growing up on farms, I delved into landscaping at a young age, inspired by the rural surroundings that shaped my early years.

An unforgettable family journey through ancient European castles and cathedral gardens ignited my fascination with stonework, exposed timber structures, and the enchanting interplay of vines creating lush canopies. Those captivating experiences continue to influence and breathe life into my designs today.

Post-school, I embarked on a journey with the army, traversing Australia and the globe. Witnessing diverse landscapes and encountering ingenious ideas, blending ancient wisdom with modern technologies, transformed once harsh terrains into mesmerizing oases.

Honing Skills

Transitioning from military life, I pursued higher education in construction management. This led me through roles as a construct administrator, estimator, and project manager in medium to large construction companies. These experiences honed my skills and broadened my understanding of construction practices.

Seeking my next adventure, I ventured back to Europe, reigniting my passion for gardens, stonework, and ancient architecture. The hands-on experience became a pivotal aspect of my journey.

Passion for Structural Landscaping

It was during this period that I discovered my passion for structural landscaping. This calling allowed me to meld creative ideas with practical construction, sculpting outdoor living spaces that seamlessly blend with nature.

Picture your own backyard transformed into a haven where you can revel in the beauty of the outdoors while relishing the comforts of modern living.

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